Award of the ILHS 2021 Postdoctoral Bursary to Dr Lia Brazil

The Irish Legal History Society is pleased to announce that the Postdoctoral Bursary for 2021 has been awarded to Dr Lia Brazil of Nuffield College, Oxford.

Dr Brazil is a postdoctoral fellow at Nuffield College, Oxford, as part of the AHRC funded project ‘International NGOs in the Long Humanitarian Century’ (2021 – 2024). She completed her BA at Trinity College Dublin, her MA in European History at UCD, and her PhD in History at the European University Institute, Florence. Her PhD research looked at the history of international law in the British Empire, focusing on the South African War (1899 – 1902) and the Irish struggle for independence (1916 – 1923).

Her current research project looks at efforts made by the republican faction during the Irish civil war to appeal for international humanitarian intervention on behalf of interned prisoners. In particular it concentrates on delegations of Irish women, who travelled to Geneva to petition on behalf of these prisoners under international humanitarian law. She will use the research grant to explore the legal appeals they made to the International Committee of the Red Cross and the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom.